Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Welcome to Design for Yoga

We at Design for Yoga welcome you enroute a journey through the realm where Yoga meets Design. Of course, they meet to co-create a unique range of products that facilitate the practice and teaching of Yoga. Interestingly, this domain has not been explored much and if there has been some efforts, they have been rather random and scattered. We dream of a future where Yogis will be better equipped with tools, both tangible and intangible, that lead them to a fuller Yogic experience.

This space will be used to share amongst the readers of this blog (and yogis all over the world) information about yoga, design, health, mind, intellect, body and spirit. You are requested to participate in the discussions that follow every post so that the dispersion of knowledge is not uni-directional.

These are great times to start on a journey, coz it is NOW!

Have Fun

Design for Yoga team

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